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F.O.X. T.R.O.T.

A bombastic team of badasses who leave exploded debris behind no matter the battlefield. While they might bicker constantly, ultimately, their leader keeps them under strict control.


Sid's got a great eye for people--what makes them tick, what they're good at, what motivates them... It lets her bond with even the most antisocial, and get exactly what she wants from them. She tends to keep folks at arms' length so that she can stay objective. You never know when a bond will become a weakness, especially in this line of business. ...The restaurant industry's harsh. She plays GG to keep her strategic mind sharp.

Full name: Sidney Metzen
Screen name: Nobunaga
Profession: Restauranteur...?
Age: 33
Height: 5'8"
Hobbies: Cooking, coffee, playing violin


Cortana loves cute things and the color pink. She also loves blowing enemies' heads up in games. She's here to win, she's going to do it as violently as possible, and then she's going to strike a finger heart pose when she's done! She's never afraid to speak her mind or do whatever it takes to get her way. She has a legion of dedicated fans online, but most people who know her IRL describe her as "grating." She plays GG for work.

Full name: Cortana Romero
Screen name: rosegoldeneye
Profession: Streamer
Age: 18
Height: 4'11"
Hobbies: Instagram, finding cute cafes, collecting plushies


Mari is always up for a fight. Like, literally always. It's her first and last solution to any problem. It's her way of getting to know people. It's how she sees the world. She's more adept at using her body than her brain, so she leans into that as hard as she can. She's remarkably amicable about it all, though. She started playing GG when she broke an arm and couldn't fight for real for a while.

Full name: Mari T. Bird
Screen name: technos
Profession: unemployed
Age: 22
Height: 5'3"
Hobbies: Fighting, food, sleeping


Rei fancies herself a gentleman. It's true that she has manners and poise, but... she's also got some completely wack ideas in that immaculately-groomed head of hers. Her initial handsomeness might draw girls in, but once she gets started on government coverup conspiracies, loch ness monster hunting, and secret alien invasions, no girl sticks around for long. It's alright, she gets over rejection quick. She plays GG because girls are into it.

Full name: Rei Nishikado
Screen name: Lombardi
Profession: Bartender
Age: 25
Height: 5'9"
Hobbies: Women, flying her plane, buying tailored suits